
Opinion | Desertec: the renewable energy grab?

If you use social media, you may well have seen a graphic going around, showing a tiny square in the Sahara desert with the caption: ‘This much solar power in the Sahara would provide enough energy for the whole world!’ Can this really be true? It’s based on data from a research thesis written by Nadine May in 2005 for the Technical University of Braunschweig in Germany. Read More

Thesis | Resistance containers, architecture of emergency for Gaza

Research filed(s): Architecture
Thesis title: Architecture of Emergency
Degree: Master’s Degree
Supervisor(s): Prof. Faredeheb Yacine, Prof. Mahmoudi Smaïn

Where are you undertaking/did you undertake your research?

I undertook my research at the University of Abou Bekr Belkaid – Tlemcen, in the Department of Architecture, Faculty of Technology, The work was directly related to the nature of the research field in which I majored; architecture and technology, which is one of the three specialties taught in the department.

What is your thesis about?

My thesis focuses on an aspect of architecture that is rarely brought to the table, and that is architecture of emergency. Read More

Interview | Winners of the 2015 Algerian Paper of the Year Award in Medicine, Pharmacy & Veterinary Sciences

Inspire Magazine speaks with Dr Mourad Belkhelfa, a Lecturer in Biotechnology and Health in the Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology at the University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers. Dr Belkhelfa is the lead author of the paper entitled “IFN-γ and TNF-α Are Involved During Alzheimer Disease Progression and Correlate with Nitric Oxide Production: A Study in Algerian Patients”, which won the 2015 Algerian Paper of the Year Award in Medicine, Pharmacy & Veterinary Sciences. Read More

Interview | Winners of the 2015 Algerian Paper of the Year in Chemical Sciences

Inspire Magazine speaks with Dr Tahar Abbaz Senior Lecturer and Head of the Organic Chemistry and Bio-Organics research groups in the “Aquatic and Terrestrial Ecosystems”, and also member of the laboratory of organic materials and heterochemistry at the University of Tebessa. Dr Abbaz is the lead author of the paper entitled: “Synthesis, Characterization and Antibacterial Activity of Cyclic Sulfamide Linked to Tetrathiafulvalene (TTF)”, which won the 2015 Algerian Paper of the Year Awards in Chemistry. Read More

Interview | Winners of the 2015 Algerian Paper of the Year in Computer Science & Engineering

Inspire Magazine speaks to Dr Sid Ahmed Fezza, a lecturer at the University of Oran 2, Algeria. Dr Fezza is the first author of the paper entitled “Feature-Based Colour Correction of Multiview Video for Coding and Rendering Enhancement”, published in the Journal of IEEE Transactions On Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, and which won the 2015 Algerian Paper of the Year Award in Computer Science & Engineering. His research interests include image and video coding, visual quality assessment, and immersive multimedia technologies. Read More

Interview | Winners of the 2015 Algerian Paper of the Year in Biological Sciences

Inspire Magazine speaks with Dr Sofian Sedira from the Ceramic Laboratory at the University of Constantine 1 and lead author of the paper entitled: “Silver nanoparticles in combination with acetic acid and zinc oxide quantum dots for antibacterial activities improvement—A comparative study”, and which won the 2015 Algerian Paper of the Year Award in Biological Science. Read More

Interview | Winners of the 2015 Algerian Paper of the Year Award in Physical Science & Mathematics

Inspire Magazine speaks to Prof Abderrezak Djerrab, a professor at the University of Guelma and part of a multidisciplinary research team working in the areas including geophysics, palaeontology, typology and mineralogy. Prof Djerrab is the lead author of the paper “The Middle Palaeolithic site of Birzgane (Tebessa, Algeria): Rock magnetic property characterisation and past rainfall reconstruction”, which won the 2015 Algerian Paper of the Year Award in Physical Sciences & Mathematics. Read More

Event Report | The 2015 Algerian Paper of the Year Awards

Using silver nanoparticles to improve antibacterial activity, developing algorithms for enhancing multiview video coding, exploring the chemistry of sulfamides, characterising the rainfall in Birzgane in the middle paleolithic period, and investigating alzheimer disease in Algerian patients. These are the themes of the research papers that won the 2015 Algerian Paper of the Year Awards, an annual event organised by the Algerian Network for Academics, Scientists & Researchers ( to celebrate and promote the best of scientific output produced in Algerian universities and research centres. Read More

آراء| آفاق أكاديمية جزائرية للعلوم والتكنولوجيا

لا شك أن العلم يعد من أهم محركات التنمية الإقتصادية و الإجتماعية اليوم . لذلك كان من واجب العلماء و الباحثين توعية باقي شرائح المجتمع و اطلاعها عن مدى تأثير النتائج العلمية في نشاطاتهم اليومية و كيفية الإستفادة من هذه النتائج لتنمية و ترقية المجتمع . على العلماء و الباحثين أيضا أن يعملوا على توجيه مجهوداتهم الفكرية و العلمية نحو دراسة و معالجة المشاكل الوطنية و الدولية التي لها صلة بالتحديات الراهنة التي تواجهها مجتمعاتهم . هنا يأتي دور أكاديميات العلوم و الذي يتمثل في تمكين العلماء و الباحثين من تحقيق هذه الواجبات . فأكاديميات العلوم أطر تنظيمية يمكن من خلالها تثبيت و توجيه الجهود العلمية ، كما أنها تلعب دور محاور لاكتشاف و تحفيز و دعم و مكافاءة التميّز في البحث العلمي. Read More

آراء| البحث العلمي في الجزائر: رؤية في رؤيا

ذات يوم كنت جالِساً في مدخل كلية الكيمياء التابعة لجامعة العلوم و التكنولوجيا هواري بومدين (باب الزوار) بالجزائر العاصمة فإذا بأحد زملائي يناديني و يخبرني أن البروفيسور محمد بونجدة سيلقي محاضرة بعد دقائق. البروفيسور محمد بونجدة هو المسؤول عن برنامج تطوير البحث العلمي المسطر من طرف وزارة التعليم العالي و البحث العلمي. فكرت قليلا ثم قلت ‘أنا ما عندي ما راح اندير خلي انروح و نشوف سي بونجدة هذا’. بدأ بروفيسور بونجدة كلامه بشكر الجامعة على استضافته ثم أردف قائلا:”أنا سعيد بوجودي اليوم في أحسن كلية كيمياء في أفريقيا حسب تصنيف الإختصاصات العلمية الأخير لجريدة التايمس!” ورغم أن بروفيسور بونجدة انتقل في كلامه إلى أبحاثه العلمية في مجال البتروكيمياء إلا أن تفكيري بقي يدور حول قوله ‘أحسن كلية كيمياء في أفريقيا’ Read More